
Tonight’s School Board Meeting Agenda

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Submitted by the Central Community School Board



June 14, 2010

6:00 PM

Kristenwood Catering & Reception

14025 Greenwell Springs Road 
Central, LA    

  1. Call to Order
  2. Prayer
  3. Pledge
  4. Roll Call
  5. To consider approval of the minutes of the May 24, 2010 Regular School Board Meeting and the June 7, 2010 Special Board Meeting.
  6. To consider approval of the Superintendent’s recommendations for administrative, instructional, and Support Staff positions. (Mr. Faulk)
  7. To consider the Superintendent’s recommendation for 2 year contracts for Administrative Positions. (Mr. Faulk)
  8. To consider and take action with respect to adopting a resolution giving preliminary approval to the issuance of not exceeding Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) of Sales Tax Bonds Series 2010 A of the Central Community School System; providing certain terms of said bonds; making application to the State Bond Commission for approval of said Bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. (Mr. Grant Schlueter)
  9. To consider a proposed meal price increase for full-paying students and   
     at-cost meals for the 2010-2011 School Year. (Ms. Hattaway)
  10. To consider selection of the official journal for the 2010-2011 Fiscal  
     year. (Mr. Faulk)
  11. To consider adoption of policies relative to committees. (Dr. Gardner)
  12. To consider approval of an engagement letter to perform the school  
     system’s financial audit. (Mr. Faulk)
  13. To consider approval of an agreement for the Finance Accounting  
     Software. (Mr. Kidwell)
  14. To consider approval of the staff’s recommendation for software to be  
     used for School Activity Fund Accounting. (Mr. Kidwell) 
  15. To receive an end-of-the-year report from Career Compass. (Mr. Faulk)
  16. To consider the Superintendent’s recommendation for consultant  
    services from the International Center for Leadership in Education.  
    (Mr. Faulk)
  17. To consider granting the Superintendent permission to advertise, accept  
     applications, conduct interviews and recommend persons for the  
     following positions: 
    Purchasing/Procurement Agent;  Director of Human Resources;  IEP Specialist
  18. To consider and grant approval of a change order for the removal and replacement of the High School Entrance Canopy Ceiling (Mr. Bogan)
  19. To consider action regarding the award of the contract for the  
     Earthwork Package. (Mrs. Morris)
  20. Construction Coordinator’s Report
  21. Superintendent’s Report
  22. Legal Adviser’s Report
  23. Announcements
  24. Adjourn