
500 Hour EBR Study Predicted Central’s DPW Costs & Budget Surplus

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By Dave Freneaux

On April 4, 2005 a powerpoint presentation was created entitled "General Impact Of Central Incorporation".   The final slide in the 31 slide presentation reads "Total Impact of (Central) Incorporation on City-Parish" and summarizes:
"Reduction in Revenues" $4.3 million
"Reduction in Expenses" $3.4 million
"Net Loss"                      ($0.9 million)
The foundation of the study was to estimate the cost to EBRP for the Public Works services provided to Central and compare that to the known tax revenues the City-Parish would be losing.
This analysis, while now over five years old, correctly predicted that Central could pay for its own "City Services" at a cost of $3.4 million and have an almost $1 million budget surplus each year.  Indeed, that is almost exactly the budget surplus Central has for each of the last two years.  While both revenues and costs have risen over the last five years, the budget surplus remains intact as predicted.
The study was done by the "Central Incorporation Working Group" and consumed more than 500 hours of research.  The list of 23 participants in the study includes Walter Monsour and David Medlin and involved the offices of the Mayor, Parish Attorney, Planning Commission, Department of Finance and Department of Public Works.