
Central Intermediate Is No Mickey Mouse Operation

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Submitted by Assistant Principal O'Banion

Walt Disney World is no longer the happiest place on earth; that honor is shared with Central Intermediate School.  Fourth-grade students in Theresa Cress’s science classes were recently visited by a representative from Disney’s Planet Challenge.  Disney’s Planet Challenge is an environmental program that focuses on promoting activities that raise environmental consciousness in today’s youth.  Cress’s students were visited because of their recent experiments with methods to increase wetland strength and stability by growing and examining how two types of marsh grasses function in a simulated environment.  Disney’s Planet Challenge representative, Christiane Maerten, chose to observe Cress’s CIS science classes because of their focus on the study of positively impacting Louisiana Wetlands.  More information on Disney’s Planet Challenge can be found at  Central Intermediate School’s budding scientists have worked and studied hard to ensure that they show why Central school’s are among the best locally and nationally.  It is a great day to be a Central Wildcat!

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