
Light the Night for Cancer in Central

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     October 17, 2010 is the Third Annual Light the Night event in Central.  It kicks off Cancer Awareness Week and culminates with the Relay for Life on Saturday, October 23.

    It started with one subdivision and has grown to include several.  Hopefully all of Central will get involved.  The way to do that is to place a light of some kind, be it a candle, lamp, lantern, torch, flashlight, solar light, etc. at the end of your driveway near the street by dusk or by 6:30 p.m. to indicate that your home has been impacted by cancer.  Some have even put memorial displays with pictures in honor of or in memory of loved ones who have had cancer.

    Than join your neighbors for a Sunday eveninng stroll around your neighborhoos and view the lights.  You will be surprised by the number of homes in your area that have experienced this terrible disease.  It is very impressive.

    Please remind your neighbors to participate.  Flyers, emails, and signs (off the right of way, please) by the weekend before the event are good ways to get your area involved.