
Central Street Rehab Program

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Submitted by David Barrow

    Your tax dollars at work.  Barber Brothers Construction Company is overlaying Old Wax Rd this week as part of the city's 2010 Street Rehabilitation Program.  Crews will come back and finish shoulder work and striping.  They will move next to Landmor Drive, Empress Drive, and Morgan Rd and perform overlay work on those two roads.  Then, they will move into Bellingrath Lakes (1st and 2nd fililngs) to rehab the streets in that subdivision as well as in Morgan Place West, 4th filing.   All of these streets are being rehabilitated at a cost of approximately $1 million dollars from the city of Central's 1/2-cent sales tax for street rehabilitation.   There were seven bidders on this program, and Barber Brothers submitted the low bid.  They have until December 14 to complete all work.

    The city paid for a survey to be done on all roads in Central two years ago.  This survey ranked the roadways based upon roadway conditions, and the city used this survey in determining priorities for street overlays and construction.