
From the Mayor’s Desk: October 28th

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November 11, 2010, the Mayor will be joining Brother Bill Parson and members of Central Worship Center to honor our beloved Veterans of Central, who have given so much and to those who gave all.

State Representative Bodi White had our American Flag flown over the Capital Building in Washington D.C. in honor of all Central Veterans.

This flag will be raised at 9:00 A.M. Thursday, November 11, at City Hall located at 13421 Hooper Road, to fly over Central during the day.

Later at 6:00 P.M. at Grace Pentecostal Church, (formerly Central Worship Center) located 13845 Hooper Road we will be holding a tribute to our Veterans which will include speakers from the Central Community, and a patriotic performance by the Central High Jazz Band.

I am asking that if you or your family has served in the military, past and present, please make plans to attend the ceremony of the raising of our flag at 9:00 A.M. at City Hall and to attend the ceremony at 6:00 which will be followed by a reception at the church.

If possible, please contact Charlotte at the Mayor’s office if you plan to attend (261-5988).


A heartfelt “Thank You!” to those of you who donated to the Mayor’s 100 club.  As a reminder, these monies go to the Blue Star Mothers of Louisiana, who in turn use these funds to supplement Thanksgiving supplies to the men and women of our armed forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Donations are still being accepted until October 30th.  I am asking you to join the Mayor’s 100 club with a $100.00 donation, but any and all donations are important and very much appreciated.  In participating you will have the knowledge of knowing you are helping our men and women who have placed themselves in harms way for you and I.  Last year we raised $4,000.00.  Please, let’s try to exceed that total this year and HELP OUR TROOPS!  To make your donation, please call Charlotte at my office,



Central residents will hold the annual Trick or Treat Activities Sunday,

October 31, from 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.  I am asking that all trick or treaters use extreme caution in walking from house to house.  Motorist, watch out for our little ones.  They will be caught up in the moment and forget to practice safety first.


There will also be numerous Fall Festivals this week: 

Wednesday, October 27th  6:00 – 8:00 in the evening

At Galilee Baptist Church   11050 Hwy. 64  Phone: 654-5633


Saturday, October 30th  6:00 – 8:00 in the evening

Greenwell Springs Baptist Church19421Greenwell Springs Rd.


Sunday, October 31st  6:00 -8:00 in the evening

ZoarBaptist Church     corner of Joor and Hooper Road


Sunday, October 31st  4:00 – 6:00 P.M.

Covenant Community Church  22325 Greenwell Springs Rd.


Sunday, November 7th  5:00 – 7:00 P.M.

Indian Mound Baptist Church  16755 Liberty Rd.  261-8271

Children ages 4 years thru 5th grade


The first meeting of the City Service Committee met Monday,

October 18, 2010 at the Central Library.  This was an organizational meeting in which the members were divided into the committees as follows:


General Services                               Chairman:  Wayne Leader

D.P.W.                                              Chairman:   Fred Raiford

Planning and Zoning                         Chairman:   Rodney Bonvillain

Permits                                              Chairman:   Pete Firmin

Contracts                                          Chairman:   Louis DeJohn

I want to leave you with this thought: 

P    Pray for one another

E    Exhort one another

A   Agree to disagree, but not be disagreeable

C   Cast no stones

E    Extend your hand


God Bless Central!

Mac Watts, Mayor

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