
School Board Committee Takes Public Comment on Public Comment

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 By Dave Freneaux

    On Monday evening about 25 citizens showed up to give input on Public Comment at School Board meetings.  The Human Resources/Policies Committee consisting of School Board Members Atkinson, Browning, Easley, and Gardner, along with Superintendent Faulk, led discussion with the public concerning Public Comment, Meeting Procedures, Standing Committees and Meeting Agendas.  Also in attendance and speaking on the matter were School Board Members Lloyd and Walker.  The meeting lasted almost three hours and consisted of much discussion and debate and even a few brief heated exchanges.  After the public weighed in on each issue the School Board drafted policies which will be considered at the next full School Board meeting.  The proposed policy changes are presented below.  The public is encouraged to attend the School Board meeting next Monday, at which time any citizen will be allowed to express an opinion on each issue prior to a vote by the Board.    




    The Central Community School Board ("Board") believes committees can be useful in the decision making process and in the conduction of Board business. The Board desires to establish standing committees to assist the Board in conducting business in an efficient and effective manner, to study issues facing the Central Community School System ("CCSS") in depth and to encourage increased participation by Board members, staff and members of the community. Committees are established to assist the Board in the conducting Board business and are not intended to take away any Board member's opportunity to ask questions or to participate in the decision making process.

    The function of Board committees shall be fact-finding, deliberating and advising but not legislating or policymaking. Board committees shall be assigned specific duties and shall make recommendations to the Board. All actions taken by Board committees shall be subject to approval by the Board.

Establishment of Standing Committees

The Board hereby establishes the following standing committees:

(1) Finance Committee;

(2) Human Resources and Policy Committee; and

(3) Student Services Committee

(4) Facilities and Equipment; and

(5) Curriculum/Instruction/Accountability

    Each standing committee shall consist of at least three Board members. A majority of the members of the standing committee shall constitute a quorum provided that at least two Board members are present.

    The Board by majority vote may establish such other standing committees as the Board deems necessary to assist the Board in the efficient conduction of Board business.

Appointment of Standing Committees

    Beginning in January 2011, the Board president shall appoint the chair of each standing committee and shall appoint at least two Board members to each standing committee in which there is a vacancy immediately following the Board's organizational meeting in January to serve a term of two years. The Board president shall make appointments first from the Board members who have volunteered to serve on the standing committee.

    Each Board member shall be appointed to serve on at least one standing committee; however, no Board member shall chair more than one standing committee or serve on more than two standing committees. The Board president may serve on any standing committee in place of any absent Board member.

    Each standing committee chair shall have the authority to appoint up to two individuals who are registered voters within the CCSS and who have education, knowledge and/or other relevant experience in the subject matter of the committee to serve as members of the standing committee for a term of two years from the date of appointment, unless a longer term is approved by the Board. Each standing committee chair shall appoint a vice-chair to serve in his/her absence.

    The Board by majority vote may appoint additional individuals who have education, knowledge and/or other relevant experience in the subject matter of the committee to serve as member as the standing committee.

    Members of the standing committees shall attend at least eighty (80%) percent of the standing committees' meetings.

Procedures for Standing Committees

1.   Standing committees shall meet at least once a month and shall meet at such additional times as deem necessary by the chair. Monthly meetings may be cancelled by the chair.

2.   Each standing committee chair shall coordinate with the superintendent or designated administrators in advance of each standing committee meeting to establish the meeting agenda to ensure the orderly flow of information and the effective operation of the Board and its committees.

3.   The superintendent shall be authorized to designate staff members, as appropriate, to serve in an advisory capacity to any standing committee and to provide such research and support as is necessary.

4.   Standing committees shall publish meeting agendas on in accordance with state law and Board policy and shall be furnished to each Board member.

5.   All standing committees shall be open to the public. Standing committees shall not have the authority to discuss matters in executive session. In the event the committee chair determines that it is in the best interested of the Board to discuss an item in executive session, the chair shall immediately inform the Board president and request that the item be placed on the next Board agenda.

6.  Standing committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order-Revised.

7.   Only committee members may vote on matters considered by the committee.

8    Standing committee chairs shall submit to the Board all actions which require Board approval, at the regular Board meeting following any standing committee meeting. Each standing committee chair shall report all actions taken by the standing committee since the last regular Board meeting.

9.    All policies recommended by a standing committee shall be presented to the Board at the first regular meeting following the committee's adoption of the recommendation. A public hearing shall not be scheduled on the proposed policy until the next regular meeting of the Board following the committee presentation of the recommended policy.

10.   Minutes shall be kept of standing committee meetings. Said minutes shall be distributed to all Board members in order to keep the Board informed of items being handled by each standing committee. Minutes shall be made available for inspection in accordance with state law and Board policies.

Public Participation in School Board Meetings

    The Central Community School Board desires the citizens of the district to attend its meetings so that they may become better acquainted with the operation of their public school system and so that the Board may have opportunity to hear the thoughts and comments of the public on agenda items for which action will be taken.

Public Comment on Agenda Items

    In accordance with La. R.S. 42:15, a public comment shall be permitted by the Board before any vote is taken on an agenda item. When recognized by the President, the person shall be afforded the floor and given the opportunity to speak for a period not to exceed three (3) minutes. Each speaker shall be recognized to address the Board only once per agenda item. All comments from the public on an item shall be received by the Board after a motion and second have been made on the item and before any discussion of it by Board members. Comments must be limited to the specific agenda item/motion under consideration. Comments do not include participation in debates. The President has the right to rule out of order any comments that do not relate to the agenda item/motion under consideration or that refer to personnel, student, or other matters that are confidential under law.

    In the event that the Board should add an item to its agenda after the Board meeting begins and that item should receive a motion and second, then the Board President shall orally request of the audience whether anyone in attendance would like to speak on the added agenda item. Each person indicating a desire to do so shall be given an opportunity to address the Board for up to three (3) minutes on each agenda item added. The Board shall delay deliberations on that agenda item until such time as all interested members of the public have had an opportunity to speak.


    The order of business at meetings of the board shall be according to the agenda which has been prepared and distributed by the superintendent.  Items may be added to the agenda, items deleted, or the order of business changed only when such change is approved by specific board action.  Expansions to the agenda will be made when duly moved, seconded, and affirmed by a unanimous vote of the members present and voting.

B-21.1:  Request for Item to be placed on Agenda

    Board members, employees or the public wishing to have items placed on the agenda shall submit their requests to the superintendent at least seventy-two (72) hours, exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, prior to the meeting date and time. The Superintendent and the Board President will determine whether these requests should be sent to a Standing Committee or placed on the agenda. If not submitted on time to be placed on the agenda, the item may be held over for the next scheduled meeting of the Board or assigned to the appropriate committee. Each delegation appearing before the board shall have ten (10) minutes to present the matter to the board.

    Delegations and individuals may be scheduled on the agenda to appear before the Board in accordance with the board's policy on public participation in board meetings.

    Once all items of the agenda have been exhausted, the meeting shall be automatically adjourned by the president without the necessity of motion, second or vote thereon.

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