
Tuesday’s City Council Meeting Agenda

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From the Central government website

I. Preliminary Business

(1) Call to Order

(2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

(3) Roll Call

(4) Approval of minutes from the April 26, 2011 and May 3, 2011 council meetings.

II. Unfinished Business


III. New Business

1) Mayor’s report and presentations.

2) Report from Councilman Messina concerning recognition and praise for our military personnel and military veterans.

3) Introduction of the following item (with public hearing to be held at the May 19, 2011council meeting)

a) An ordinance amending the Unified Development Code of the City of Central Section 13.6 (I) (4) relating to private servitudes of passage construction standards. (By Councilman Moak)

4) Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s):

a) A resolution to urge and request enactment of House Bill No. 322 of the 2011 regular session to give representation to Central, Baker, and Zachary on the Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge. (By Councilman Moak)

b) A resolution to urge and request enactment of House Bill No. 324 of the 2011 regular session relative to Administrative Adjudication of certain ordinance violations. (By Councilman Moak)

c) A resolution supporting the prohibition of soliciting of employment, business or charitable donations on public roadways. (By Councilman Messina)

d) A resolution urging and requesting the Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish to allow the Sheriff to sign the Homeland Security Urban Area Security Initiative Grant and to reserve the legal issues for resolution after the grant has been executed by the Sheriff. (By Councilman Messina)

e) An ordinance to amend and re-enact Chapter 19 of Title 7 the Unified Development Code and to provide for related matters. (By Councilman LoBue)

Planning Commission Action (February 24 2011): A motion to approve the amendments as amended to Chapter 4 was made by Mr. T.J. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Wade Giles. Vote: 7 yeas (Bonvillain, Burns, Giles, Johnson, Rauls, Reado, Walker), 0 nays and the motion carried.

Planning Commission Action (April 28, 2011): A motion to recommend approval with the following stipulation was made by Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Walker. – That page 6 of 11, line 17, of the Proposed Amendment remain as orginially amended, to read “two-thirds (2/3) of the entire membership of the Council.” – Motion passed with five (5) yeas (Johnson, Rauls, Reado, Walker),zero 0 nays, and two (2) absent (Burns & Giles).

f) An ordinance to amend and re-enact Chapter 4 of Title 7 the Unified Development Code and to provide for related matters. (By Councilman LoBue)

Planning Commission Action (February 24, 2011): A motion to approve the amendments as amended to Chapter 4 was made by Mr. T.J. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Wade Giles. Vote: 7 yeas (Bonvillain, Burns, Giles, Johnson, Rauls, Reado, Walker), 0 nays and the motion carried.

Planning Commission Action (April 28, 2011): A motion to recommend approval with the following stipulation was made by Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Walker. – If deemed legal, the changes to Page 7 of 41, lines 24-40, of the Proposed Amendment (Preliminary Plat approval) shall be made retroactive to all currently approved projects, as applicable.- Motion passed with five (5) yeas (Johnson, Rauls, Reado, Walker),zero 0 nays, and two (2) absent (Burns & Giles).

5) Other items for discussion by council:

a) Report from City Services Selection Committee on the status of city services procurement.

IV. Zoning Cases

(1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with Public Hearing to be held at the May 19, 2011 council meeting):


(2) Discussion and Action regarding the following case(s):

a) PUD-1-11 PUD Concept Plan Lakeside Commons This property is located southwest of the Sparkle Drive and Sullivan Road intersection on Tracts E-1, E-2, D, C, and B-1 in Section 69, T-6-S, R-2-E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is proposing a Planned Unit Development Concept Plan consisting of commercial, retail, and residential land uses. (Applicant: Kathryn Witty)

Planning Commission Action: A motion to recommend DENIAL of Concept Plan Approval was made by Mr. Walker and seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion passed with five (5) yeas (Johnson, Rauls, Reado, Walker & Bonvillain), zero (0) nays and two (2) absent (Burns & Giles).

b) CUP-1-11 Conditional Use Permit Voice of Pentecost This property is located at 14754 Frenchtown Road between the Central Thruway and Richardson Drive intersections on Tract B of the Alton R. Ashford Property in Sections 43 and 51, T-6-S, R-2-E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is proposing a 34,000 square foot church and community center as a conditional use in the Rural Zoning District.(Applicant: Joshua L. Hoffpaur)

Planning Commission Action: A motion to recommend Approval of this Conditional Use Permit was made by Mr. Reado and seconded by Mr. Rauls. Motion passed with five (5) yeas, (Johnson, Rauls, Reado, Walker & Bonvillain), zero (0) nays, and two (2) absent (Burns & Giles).

V. Other Business

(1) Public Comment

* Restricted to items not on the agenda. A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each.

(2) Announcements

(3) Adjournment