
Find Your Fitness Motivation

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Find Your Fitness Motivation
By: Lacey Sprouse NASM CPT
Spectrum Fitness in Central

One of the keys to getting in shape is to find what motivates you. Your motivation to stay dedicated to exercise and healthy living is a very personal decision. Some suggestions of things you can do to stay motivated are:

  • Find a friend who will be your workout buddy and hold each other accountable to your fitness plans.  
  • Start a weight loss competition with a friend or co-workers
  • Finding a class you like at a local gym, you are more likely to continue to workout if you enjoy what you are doing
  • Setting small goals and rewarding yourself with a non-food related rewards
  • Make a Doctors visit to see where you can improve your health and work towards improving it before you go back for your next appointment
  • Buy a special outfit in your goal size and try it on once a week to see if it fits better.
  • Take a before picture and track your progress through photographs
  • If you can’t find self motivation hire a personal trainer to motivate you

When you have made progress on your journey to healthy living never forget about where you started. Look back and think how much stronger you are, how much easier it is to walk up a flight of stairs or how much better your clothes are fitting. Once you find what motivates you it should be easier to continue to make progress on your journey to healthy living. Good luck on your journey!

*Remember: Do not start any exercise program without first consulting a health professional.*