
CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association

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    Vision varies. I used to see clearly, now it's clear I have trouble seeing. I use large print now, but I found out the other night playing softball with the 'young' men I need them to start using larger softballs as well-they say the knot on my head will go down soon!
     Our perception varies as well doesn't it. The way we see things can be every bit as important as if we see. Take a life in crisis for example. The person actually experiencing the situation  may not have the ability to see it as clearly as someone that's possibly more detached. There are many reasons why, emotions, desires, stubbornness the list could be endless. Clearly though not seeing properly leads to not taking the proper action.
My answer for the softball field is thicker glasses. The answer for perceiving the truth with greater certainty is to use the proper filter. For me, that filter is seeing everything through Christ. When that's accomplished I feel more confident that my vision is clear.

Dale Phillips
Comite Baptist Church

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