
Tonight’s City Council Meeting Agenda

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From the City of Central website

City Council Meeting Agenda- Tuesday, July 12th, 6 PM at Kristenwood

I. Preliminary Business
(1) Call to Order
(2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
(3) Roll Call
(4) Approval of minutes from the June 28, 2011 council meeting.

II. Unfinished Business

III. New Business
1) Mayor’s report and presentations.
2) Introduction of the following item (with public hearing to be held at the July 26, 2011council meeting)
3) Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s):
a) An Ordinance granting unto Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. and to its successors and assigns for a period of thirty-eight (38) years, the right, privilege and franchise to distribute, deliver, sell and supply gas service throughout the City of Central, Louisiana, to the inhabitants thereof, or to any person, firm, or corporation; to construct, erect, lay, replace, remove, reduce, or enlarge in size, relocate, renew, repair, maintain (including, but not limited to, rights of ingress and egress), use, and operate a system of pipes, pipelines, gas mains, laterals, conduits, feeders, regulators, man-holes, reducers, compressors, meters, fixtures, communications equipment, connections, attachments, and all other appurtenances, accessories and appliances incidental or in any way pertaining thereto, in, upon, over, across, through, along and under the streets, roads, alleys, highways, bridges, viaducts, water-courses, public grounds, and other public places in the City of Central, Louisiana and the right to repair, replace or remove same or any portion thereof, and the right to connect any such facilities to any other such facilities for the purpose of acquiring, producing, preparing, receiving, delivering, distributing, transporting, supplying, conveying, vending, selling or reselling of natural gas into through, or beyond the boundaries of the City of Central, Louisiana, as now existing or as said city limits may hereafter be extended; and granting Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C., the authority to use such for the purpose of distributing, delivering, selling and supplying, in such a manner as it chooses, gas service throughout the City of Central and to its inhabitants and to any other governmental agency, governmental subdivision, person, firm or corporation, wherever located within or without the city limits of the City of Central, to be used by such purchaser or purchasers, for any lawful purpose for which gas may be used; granting to said Grantee the right to adopt reasonable rules and regulations, demand deposits, charge for installation and to prevent the resale of gas by Grantee’s customers; providing for certain payments by Grantee to City of Central; and providing regulations and conditions for the exercise of said right, privilege and franchise, and penalties for violation thereof. (Councilman DeJohn)
b) An ordinance to amend and reenact Ordinance No. 2008-17 to remove the residency requirement for members of the reserve division of police and to provide for related matters. (By Councilman Washington)
4) Other items for discussion by council:

IV. Zoning Cases
(1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with Public Hearing to be held at the July 26, 2011 council meeting):
(2) Discussion and Action regarding the following case(s):
a) RV-3-11 Revocation of Servitude This property is located at 18198 Vila Trace Avenue, Lot 25 of Village Lakes Subdivision, in Sections 66 and 78, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Greensburg Land District, EBRP, LA. The applicant is proposing to revoke a 5 foot portion of a 15 foot utility servitude to build a residence. (Applicant: John Perkins).
Planning Commission Action: A motion to approve RV-3-11 was made by Mr. Wilson Reado, seconded by Mr. Wade Giles. Vote: 5 yeas (Messrs: Bonvillain, Giles, Rauls, Reado, Walker), 0 nays, 2 absent (Messrs: Burns, Johnson), and the motion carried.

V. Other Business
(1) Public Comment
* Restricted to items not on the agenda. A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each.
(2) Announcements
(3) Adjournment