
School Board Adjusts Course Load Requirements for CHS Seniors

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By Dave Freneaux

    In Monday’s School Board meeting the Board voted to implement a plan to classify many seniors at Central High School into one of four levels for the purpose of scheduling classes.  The levels are labeled Academic, Technical, Industry and General.The only exceptions to this classification will be for students enrolled in DECA, COE, or an internship.  Through last school year, the official policy of the Central Community System has been that all seniors attend school through sixth hour unless they were involved in a work-study program or an internship.  The addition of these four classifications does not change the rules, but it does add four options.

    Students in the Academic and Technical classifications may leave school when they have completed the required course work in their classification.  Students meeting the guidelines for the “Academic” classification have an ACT of 23, a TOPS GPA of 2.5 and have taken advanced Math and Science classes.  The students in the “Technical” classification have an ACT of 20 or the state average, whichever is higher, a GPA of 2.5, and have taken 4 units of electives in their area of concentration.  Students classified as “Industry” are required to attend four hours and will have a TOPS GPA of 2.5, an ACT of 17, and an Industry Based Certification.  Students in the “General” classification are required to attend six hours and will have six Career and Technical credits.  This is an overview of a complex program.  For a complete understanding of these requirements please contact the Guidance Department of Central High School.