
Library E-Books Now Compatible with Kindle

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Our OverDrive e-book collection is now compatible with the Amazon Kindle!  This means that the Library’s collection of e-books, with more added each day, will finally become accessible to one of the most widely used e-reader devices.  It also means that the users will enjoy a simplified format selection experience and see shorter waiting periods for e-books.  OverDrive offers e-books, audiobooks, and videos for check-out and download with your library card. It also supports e-book readers such as the Nook, Kobo, and Sony eReader.  To access OverDrive, just visit our website at and click the “O” on the left sidebar or click the “Digital Library” link. You just need your library card! For how-to's, visit the Overdrive InfoGuide!  For more information, call (225) 231-3750.