
Free Movies and Voting

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CENTRAL FIRST BLUE b    First I want to put in a shameless plug for next Thursday’s FREE showing of Disney’s G-Rated “Monsters Inc.”  We thought this was an excellent movie for the evening before Halloween.  Costumes are optional but welcome.
    Come out the Central Square behind CVS and Cane’s for a great evening with the kids.  A TWENTY foot screen and free drinks and snacks… and FREE!  What could be better?  Don’t forget your lawn chairs or a blanket.
    Speaking of movies, a friend told me about “A movie he saw once” about voting.  I think this is his code for being able to express his opinion without offending anyone.
    Anyway, in this “movie” everyone who went and voted was given a special blue “I Voted” card to carry in their wallets.  Then, any time someone was complaining about an elected official, anyone else could ask to see their blue “I Voted” card.  If they did not have one, they were not allowed to complain.  Interesting idea.
    I’m not advocating the suppression of anyone’s free speech, like in that “movie”, but the concept should make each of us stop and think.  It is not unusual for an elected official to receive votes from less than 25% of the registered voters, yet still be elected.  The loser gets less than 25% and over half the registered voters don’t even show up at the polls.
    The ones who voted FOR the winner can complain, but remember, you asked for it.  The ones who voted against can complain, but quietly lest your legitimate complaints get labeled sour grapes.  The ones who didn’t even vote? Yes, they get to complain too, but you have to wonder if maybe the “movie” made a valid point.
    So, as we approach November 4th, let’s have a record turnout in Central, and let’s elect some very capable people… so no one even has to complain.  But if anyone DOES anticipate the need to complain during the next four years, please vote first.  That would be Good News for a Great City.

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