
CAPA Corner: How About Some Good News?!

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    Has the news around you gotten you down, lately?  Are you tired of all of the political ads and the mud-slinging?  Are you discouraged by things that used to be called “good” that are now called “evil”?  Are you concerned that the federal government wants more of our lives, more of our privacy, and less of our rights?  Does the instability of the Middle East, Asia, and Europe lead you to wonder, “How is this mess ever going to get resolved and who will lead to help restore stability to these areas?”  The news around us can get us down.  We need some good news, don’t we?
    Well, have I got some good news for you!  I have news that is for you, personally.  I have news that transcends all of the bad news that we see around us.  I have news that will help put your entire life and everything around you into perspective.  Those are some bold claims, but I am very sure of these claims.  These claims are not my claims, but God’s claims.  God has brought us good and amazing news in His Word.  I have one verse from God’s Word that is life-changing and hope-filled.  Consider Romans 8:1, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
    This means that for those who have confessed their own sins to God, who are trusting in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of their sins, and who are following Jesus as the Lord & King of their lives, they are no longer guilty in God’s sight for their sins.  In Christ, and in Christ alone, they no longer face God’s wrath and punishment that they truly deserve for their sins.  Why is this so?  Because Jesus took God’s wrath and punishment on the cross for all of those who, by God’s grace, confess & repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  This good news is eternal and transcends everything in this world!
    This, indeed, is good news.  This is what is most important in every person’s life.  Where do you stand with Jesus?  Trust Him alone.  Keep your eyes on Him and heavenly things.  Then watch your concerns and worries about this world fade into the glory of Jesus Christ!  That is good news for all of us!
Don Hulsey,
Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church

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